Pongee Staff Insights: Creating the Fun DNA


Hello there.

It’s been a while since we had our Pongee Insights. And a lot has happened since then.

For the many years, we have come to know a lot of people from all walks of life. Well, technically, from the North side of Davao. And we are growing immensely from Tagum to Panabo.

It has been such a great opportunity to keep learning and sharing experiences from these people. And we are now moving forward to the matters at hand: keeping it real.

Our realness comes from the back-end of every transactions. Planning is everything in this industry. We make the best way possible to ensure that every transaction is delivered as promised. Though glitches do happen (as expected from us humans).

But the real friction happens when things don’t go as expected. When busy schedules don’t adhere as promised. When people are too tired from a week’s worth of transactions cramped into a day’s schedule. The pain and struggle is REAL. That’s heavy stuff!

One thing I noticed though is that the people here refused to be doused by overworked, stress-related, anxiety-driven situations. Most people in Pongee makes it a habit to have fun nonetheless.

Pongee Staff Collage

Fun Within

It’s noticeable. People here have the same DNA. As we infect others to keep moving forward, to keep pushing on, we are also learning not only from our leaders, but from the bottom line. It’s such a privilege to know that we can never set limits on others and the power of encouragement to do more makes it more worthwhile to keep doing what we do best.

As part of the team, we hope to keep improving. Though it’s not going to be an overnight thing, we are hopeful. We believe that He who is greater in us will keep improving us as wood is chiseled to perfection by the Maker.

Be a blessing today.



Pongee Tagum

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